Early Years Foundation Stage 

The Foundation Stage (Reception; 4 and 5 years of age) forms part of the whole school and there is a close partnership, with joint planning, between staff members to ensure continuity and progression for our children. Mary Exton has developed links with external Nursery settings to allow for a smooth transition to Reception as they start at our school. In the Foundation Stage we provide care and education for a wide range of children in environments that enable children to feel safe and supported and which extend their learning and development.

Image coming soon...




Mrs. Parker

As our Reception teacher, Mrs. Parker leads the Early Years Curriculum

We believe every member of the community has a valuable contribution to make to the life of the school and we encourage everyone to take advantage of the learning opportunities offered. We strive to develop a culture of mutual respect between all children and adults.

Our Vision  Mission  Values

Our vision is to provide a nurturing
environment, recognising individuality and
empowering children to reach their full



Our inspirational, creative and caring
school community aims to develop
enthusiastic, independent and aspirational
learners. Through meaningful learning
experiences, we equip children to ask
questions, value differences and overcome

At Mary Exton Primary School we hold three
core (Creativity, Inspirational and Caring) values that underpin all that we do. We
expect all Parents, Pupils, Governors and   Staff to adhere to these.


Curriculum Overview
Skills Progression
Subject Leader Action Plan

We give every child at Mary Exton Primary School the opportunity to achieve their full potential in every aspect of learning. We provide a positive, caring and creative environment, which inspires each child to take on challenges and to be the best that they can be. We value social and emotional development equally to academic achievement.
We provide children with opportunities to reflect honestly about their feelings and actions; we help them to explore the consequences which may result from their actions. We place emphasis on developing children’s internal discipline - behaviour driven by themselves - to help prepare them for their future coupled with high
academic expectations for all. The Reception class is a setting that has achieved the Gold Standard of Education and is a learning environment where all children:

  • feel happy, safe and secure, so that they can play, explore, experiment, make decisions and take risks, whilst building on previous achievements and experiences across all 7 areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
  • can develop an awareness of themselves, to learn to show concern and respect for others, whilst beginning to understand their place within the wider community
  • are encouraged to be kind towards others and to begin to take responsibility in caring for their belongings and surroundings
  • can develop a love of learning in learning areas that are attractive, stimulating and well-planned
  • are taught and challenged appropriately to develop their abilities to their full potential
  • feel welcomed and valued achieved by working in close partnership with parents and carers
  • are provided with a curriculum rich in opportunities to develop their self- confidence and independence and to lay the foundations for the knowledge and skills necessary for life-long learning.

The topics followed are based on children’s current interest and vary from year to year depending on cohorts.